Global Search Engine Google says that on Sunday Night during the 88th Oscar event, people on Google searched Leonardo DiCaprio the maximum but on the second position it's
Priyanka Chopra who was searched maximum on the Google.
Google in a statement said that India contributes to about 2% of the global searches for the Oscars but Google also revealed that India is among 10 countries in Oscar search.
Company in a statement said, 'Comparing with 2015, then this year has shown 70% growth in terms of Oscar queries. January 2016 shown the double times search than December 2015.'
Google said, the thing that was searched maximum in Oscar 2016 was Best Film, Best Actor, Best actress and Best Director. In Indian Fans, Leonardo Dicaprio in the race of Best Actor tends to be most discussed nominated star.
Dicaprio was searched Maximum in America in race of Best Actor Nomination. Cate Blanchett was searched maximum for Best Actress nomination. After that Jennifer Lawrence (Joy), Brie Larson (Room), Saoirse Ronan (Brooklyn) and Charlotte Rampling (45 Years).