Now you will be able to watch adult movies on TV. But...

Now you will soon be able to see adult movies on TV. Although before being presented on TV, there will be editing done in these movies. Censor board after 10 months have finally now removed the ban from the adult movies to be telecasted on TV. Censor board took this decision after the great demand of the broadcasters and film industry.

The chairperson of CBGC Pehlaj Nihalani said that they have said to the producers of 'A' certificate movies to make cuts in the movie before showing it on TV. For telecast on satellite TV 'UA' certificate is required, while for Doordarshan 'U' certification is required. Nihalani by considering these factors had banned the telecast of the adult movies on television since January this year. He said in a recent audit questions were raised on 172 movies. Actually these were adult movies and they were given U certificate. That is why they have told the producers to remove all such scenes from the movie and edit it. He added that after watching adult movies they will decided whether they will be telecasted on TV or not.