Rishi Kapoor requested Sunil Grover to mend his differences with Kapil Sharma. Sunil Grover politely said no. There seems to no end to the feud that happened between The Kapil Sharma Show-famed Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover. Grover, who is rumoured to be working on his own show with Ali Asgar, made it clear that he is not returning anytime soon. Rishi Kapoor used his twitter handler, requesting the comedians Sharma and Grover "Mil Jao yaaron!" He tweeted:
Replying to the tweet, the Guthi-famed said no in his familiar humourous way. He replied:
Mentioning he is retired hurt is enough to indicate that Grover is still very hurt by the incident happened in a flight returning from Australia, where Kapil Sharma ranted and physically abused him and threatened to kick him out of the show. In reaction this behaviour, Grover used twitter to express his opinion, asking the lead comedian not to act like god after an apologetic tweet by Kapil Sharma himself:
[caption id="attachment_47599" align="alignnone" width="215"]
Sunil Grover's tweet[/caption]
Kapil Sharma seemed to have moved on from the controversy and has recruited other well-known comedian as an alternative for Grover. Raju Shrivastav and Ehsaan Qureshi have appeared on the show since departure of Guthi and "Dadimaa" Ali Asgar and Chandan Prabhaker. Also "Bua" Upasana Singh is back on the show and also asked Grover to do the same.