Kareena in this condition is promoting Udta Punjab

Udta Punjab which is releasing tomorrow faced many big issues. But the main character Kareena Kapoor was seen far from this issue. She was also not seen in promotional events. Kareena in an interview told that why she is not able to promote 'Udta Punjab'. Udta Punjab is based on drugs. Kareena in this is playing role of Doctor. Shahid Kpaoor is in Rockstar role. Kareena told, 'I wanted to be part of Promotional event, but couldn't make it. Actually, I was ill past few days, so doctor suggested me to take rest. Now my fever is low (102 Degree), so I have started Promotion.' She told, I went to London with Saif Ali Khan for a vacation, but as soon as I came back to India, here it was too hot, I think my body could not bear the temprature change, So, i got ill.' There is one more reason why Kareena was not able to attent promotional event, because Shahid don't want to get clicked with Kareena Kapoor. On this Kareena said, 'See, Udta Punjab is made on serious issue, now if we get photo clicked then Media's mind will got convert to us. But this is not the actual reason.'